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生活在郑州,得劲儿! 一位郑州外教的别样“战疫日记”


Waylon Fong

2020年初的一场新冠肺炎疫情,让不少人的生活按下了暂停键;郑州市中小学延时开学后,郑州的线上教学工作也拉开了大幕,郑州市各中小学的老师们纷纷上线,化身为“主播”,通过“学在郑州”“钉钉空中课堂”等多种方式为学生们带来一场又一场的直播课程。而来自郑州市基石中学国际部的外籍教师Waylon Fong就是他们中的一员。

Waylon Fong来自新西兰,在郑州市基石中学国际部任教,寒假期间,他没有归国探亲,而是留在了河南,度过了这个特殊的春节。这期间,他是享受中国年的老外,也是入乡随俗的村民,也是“网红”主播教师!Waylon Fong不断切换身份,经历了封城、封村、居家隔离。这个在非常时期选择留在河南的外国人,见证了郑州战疫的有力举措,感受河南人民不畏困难的坚韧,体会人与人之间互帮互助的温情。他在留守中期待抗疫成功,在感悟中更加了解中国。

回郑隔离期间,Waylon Fong撰写抗疫日记,用最真实的文字记录这段不寻常、却又充满正能量的日子。日记的最后,他写道,“生活在郑州,得劲儿。我不得不为这样一个能给民众充分安全感和幸福感的城市点赞。”


Welcome the Spring Festival  


It was the last day before the winter holiday. The campus was overflowing with joy. Teachers and students were packing suitcases, ready for the 3-week relaxation. After all, Spring Festival - the most important traditional festival to all Chinese was approaching.


In Mid-January, "novel coronavirus pneumonia" erupted all of a sudden, while I was eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Spring Festival, immersed in excitement. 


Do in Rome as Rome Does  


On January 21, I took a bus heading for Litang Village in Xixian County, Xinyang City with my girlfriend. We'd never thought that the 100 gauze masks she bought before we left Zhengzhou would become the most valuable materials to prevent the virus infection in the following month.


Litang was quiet, but also full of festive atmosphere. Villagers there had smiling faces; both adults and children were keen on paying a New Year's visit and sharing delicious food. It seemed that nothing could ruin their good mood for the New Year. As a guest, I was also seized with their joyful spirit and felt happy. 


Crisis hits  


As the only foreigner in the village, I received warm hospitality from relatives and friends. After dinner, the whole family was watching TV with chitchat. As more entertainment programmes were replaced with news report on the epidemic, everyone got a serious face. Villagers there used to leave their gate open in the daytime. However, they kept them closed for a longer time recently.


Wuhan was sealed off! It was more of a shock than the first time I saw The Avengers on 4K. The virus spread so rapidly that it reminded me of the scenes in "World War Z". I was worried. After all, it's only a two-hour drive from Wuhan to Litang Village.


Life under lockdown  


Village cadres patrolled on the street every day. They arranged the epidemic prevention and control work, and took the responsibility to deliver daily necessities door to door. The loudspeaker played looping reruns of the anti-epidemic knowledge, and none was allowed to enter/leave the village. Stuck at home, we could do nothing but maintain a good mentality and be positive to face the precipitate disaster. 


Doing morning exercise, reading, preparing lessons, learning Chinese… The scheduled time to return to Zhengzhou had already passed, and we had to keep on waiting in the village.


"Internet-celebrity" anchorman  


The back-to-school time was postponed again due to the epidemic. After receiving the notice issued by the Teaching Department of Zhengzhou Cornerstone High School concerning the web-based teaching, I took active action in response to the school's instruction and joined the network teacher team to adapt to the brand-new online teaching model. 


Online teaching was fire-new to me. In fact, it was more exciting than expected, in spite of the lack of face-to-face exchange between teachers and students and the delay in telecommunication sometimes. Because of the lockdown, the teaching tools were limited, so I made use of fruits, vegetable, keys and other household articles to explain complex economic concepts, which was widely recognized by students, saying it was real-life application and easy to understand. The unusual way of class produced extraordinary effect. Everyone called me "Internet-celebrity" anchorman jokingly. 


Home quarantine in Zhengzhou 


It was almost March, and most people in villages returned to cities to resume work in an orderly way. My girlfriend and I also prepared to return to Zhengzhou. We signed various files and also had a medical examination. The problem was that the public transportation was halted. Many ways failing, a kindly neighbor drove us to Xinyang Railway Station, and we finally arrived in Zhengzhou by high-speed train.


We had another 7-day home quarantine. We were not fans of cooking, but fortunately, there was food delivery service. The school contacted me on a daily basis, recording my health status and asking if I needed any help. 


At this point, I am almost in the end of my quarantine, and somehow, I feel it a little bit enjoyable.


Thumbs-up for Zhengzhou 


All the measures, rigorous as they were, from the moment we arriving in Zhengzhou, to entering the housing estate, then the quarantine life, really surprised me. Disinfectant was sprayed everywhere - stations, carriages, elevators, passages, and even people's shoes. The strong smell didn't make me sick; instead, I was relieved and smiled.   


It's so great to live in Zhengzhou! I must give my thumbs-up to such a city where people get 100% security and happiness.


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